Autumn Rains



So tell me.. is it hot enough for you? Girl...smh.  I am a southern girl to my core. I don’t particularly care for colder temps (sorry my northern friends), and I really enjoy summertime.  But honey, let’s just say that this Charleston heat takes it to another level! I really could do without my makeup melting off of my face and me looking like I just took a shower fully clothed after walking around the block.  So, I choose to enjoy the beauty of the south from as many air conditioned spaces that I can get to.


I am all for not rushing seasons and enjoying the season that I am in, but I am so ready for my gorgeous friend Fall to come on through!  She is amazing, with her crisp, cool breezes, and beautiful array of colors! Such a refreshing time of year!


In biblical times, farmers looked forward to autumn as well.  In Israel, they experienced very little rain from May to October.  So after a long summer drought that resulted in dry, parched land, the autumn rains were so important.  Autumn rains refreshed the soil, and made planting possible.


God is so faithful and mindful of everything!  Just as the autumn rains refreshes the dry soil, He is faithful to shower us with His Holy Spirit and refresh our souls!  Sometimes we experience dry seasons, where we feel parched… like Life has sucked the Life out of us.


The day to day grind of taking care of children, attending to the needs of your spouse, going to work and giving it your all, cooking, cleaning, and playing taxi cab driver for your kids and their teammates can truly empty your cup.


Or maybe you have just experienced the loss of a loved one and going through a season of grief.


Perhaps, your career is not where you thought is should be, or you can’t seem to get the momentum to jumpstart your career.


Your marriage may be at a place where it has seen better days.


You may have become impatient in waiting on the right relationship, and have settled for a situationship (that's a later blog post!).


You may feel inadequate, insecure, like everyone and everything around you may be better off without you.


Guilt and shame of yesterday’s mistakes.  Hurt from past trauma. The weight of depression may feel like it’s crushing you to the point that it hurts.  




“Rejoice, you people of Jerusalem!  Rejoice in the LORD your God! For the rain he sends demonstrates his faithfulness.  Once more the autumn rains will come, as well as the rains of spring.” Joel 2:23




Rest assured my friend..autumn rains are coming!




“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.  As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.”  Psalm 84:5-6



In this passage of scripture, the Valley of Baka is also known as the Valley of weeping.



As you pass through your dry season, your Valley of weeping, keep your heart set on God, and your focus on “pilgrimage,” or the highways to Zion.  No matter how hard the journey gets, no matter how dark the paths may seem, no matter how lonely you may feel....stay committed to Him and confidently look to Him for strength, guidance, and provision. In Him there are plans to prosper you and not harm you..plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE. (Jer 29:11).  He’s always there. He will never leave you.



“The autumn rains also cover it with pools.”  "Pools" means "blessings". So as you pass through, make it a place of springs.  Confidently remember God's provision.  Walk tall, sis! Be fearless and courageous, because He is with you! Remember that the Joy that only God can give you is your strength.  Remember that you are loved. Remember that you are not forgotten. Choose to make something good out of the situation. In the midst of the Valley of Weeping, you will find blessings.    



Be strengthened and encouraged sis!  As we say at PowerHouse, “Life to you!”  Autumn rains are coming my dear! Rest assured!