Jesus, Coffee, and a Candle

Hey hey hey!!  How are you today?  Are you happy, or are you a "grumpy grumpfish" today?  Lol!

If you are a grumpy grumpfish today, it could possibly be because of how you started your morning.

Part of being refreshed is being intentional about how you start your day.  Starting off on the right foot has to be a conscious decision. 

Developing a morning routine is so important.  It takes a tiny bit of effort, but it is so worth it!  Your family, coworkers, and friends will appreciate it!

Spending time in the presence of the Lord in the morning provides me with the strength and patience that I need to accomplish the day's tasks, helps me to keep my focus on Him, and gives me direction, clarity, and grace to take on the day.

There is nothing like starting off the day with coffee, Jesus, and a candle.

This is a peak at what a typical morning looks like for me.  

  1. No electronics until after quiet time with the Lord. This has been so life changing. Smartphones are a blessing and a curse. While they are so convenient, and provide almost everything you need at your fingertips, they can also be very addictive and distracting. I have decided to say no to early morning answering of emails and text messages, or reading depressing or anger provoking social media posts. Instead, I choose to wake up pondering on things to be grateful for and thanking the Good Father for them.

  2. Turn on that coffee pot. Yes honey. I have to get that going.

  3. Spend time in prayer. This time i so precious. This is the time that I commune with God. It's during this time that I experience His peace and joy, and it is enough to carry me through the day. During this time, I also petition the Lord on behalf of my family, friends, and spiritual leaders, and ask the Lord to guide my footsteps that day.

  4. Sit down read my bible...while drinking coffee. The bible tells us that His word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). The bible is truly an instruction manual and a compass. This is where we learn not only about His character, but what He expects of us. He leads and guides us through His word. We can find every answer that we need in the word of God. My good ole cup of coffee puts a pep in my step. When I am at my desk, I light a WoodWick candle. That sweet crackling sound creates of feeling of having a little fireplace right at my desk. So peaceful!!

  5. Spend time talking with my hubby. During this time, William and I share what we have learned in the word. He truly is my mentor. He has so much knowledge and wisdom, and I don't take that for granted.

After these steps, I go on to tackle my day.

The results of having a morning routine have been many.  I have been more patient with myself and others.  Incorporating that time with my husband let's him know that he is my priority after the Lord, and it has really strengthened our relationship.  I am more patient with the kids.  I have more energy and I am more productive.

Please know that these are daily goals for me, and that the mark is sometimes missed. Even in that, God's grace is sufficient and He helps me to get through the day.

I pray that this article inspires you to create a morning routine that is centered around spending quiet time with our Father.  Your morning routine could look totally different from this, and that is ok!!  My life is definitely not THE standard.  Do whatever fits your schedule and your personal walk with God.  God looks forward to meeting with you and spending time with you in the mornings.  Yes, you are that important to Him.