You Still Have Worth
Photo by Ashton Mullins on Unsplash
A few weeks ago, I had one of those weeks that I made every mistake possible. I mean big time boo boos.
An appropriate name for me that week would have been “Can’t Get Right.”
I had a major parenting fail, a few things at work went south… you name it, it happened! And everything that happened, there was a pity party to follow. I can sometimes be the master at beating myself up.
One thing in particular happened, and I had a hard time shaking it.
During a busy time at work, I was snappy with one of my co-workers. At first, I didn’t even realize how I had responded to her. I looked at her, and her countenance dropped.
I then thought about how I responded to her, and immediately apologized.
Then here comes the self-accusations and self-condemnation.
“How could I talk to her like that? I preach being kind all of the time.! I’m supposed to be a woman of God! What kind of Christian am I?'“
Does any of this sound familiar?
Sometimes when we make mistakes, we feel like there is no coming back from this. We feel that the mistake was too weighty, and there is no redemption.
Sometimes we feel like God or others will never forgive us for what we have done.
Sometimes…we feel like because of the mistakes that we have made, we have lost our worth as a parent, spouse, and child of God.
I was reminded of the parable of the lost coin (Luke 15:8-10).
A woman had ten silver coins, and lost one. She swept the house and searched carefully until she found it. When she found it, she greatly rejoiced.
When she found her coin, it had not lost it’s worth.
Where did this notion come from that Christians are not allowed to make mistakes? Where did the notion come from that because we name Christ as our personal savior, that makes us exempt from messing up?
Jesus did not come to redeem perfect people. He came to redeem people like you and me. He came to redeem the mess-ups, the misfits, the “can’t get rights”, the ones like have made big messes and can’t seem to get it together.
We are all sinners saved ONLY by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus.
Rise Sister! There is no more condemnation for those who walk after the spirit and not after the flesh! Leave the pity party and don’t accept any more invitations!
Rise Sister! The enemy wants you to live in a defeated state, constantly beating yourself up and not forgiving yourself… believing that you are worthless to those around you and to God because of your shortcomings. If the enemy can get you to continue believing those lies, he can render you useless.
Rise Brother! Ask for forgiveness, but don’t stay there! Change your mindset.. keep your heart yielded to God and seeking to please Him.
Your mistakes don’t define you. How you respond to your mistakes does.
Making mistakes does not subtract from your value. If you learn from them, it adds to your wisdom.
When we ask God for forgiveness through Jesus, all of heaven rejoices, BECAUSE YOU STILL HAVE WORTH.
You have so much worth, that Jesus paid for you with his life.
Not only did He pay for you with His life, but he suffered and bore all of your mistakes, shortcomings, and sickness on the cross.
You are worth it.
He’s calling you. We have all been there. We all go there daily.
You are worth no less than anyone else.
He loves us so much that He says that we can come boldly before the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy in the time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)
You see, Jesus walked in flesh, just like you and me. He was tempted and touched by all of the things that you and I have been tempted and touched by. Therefore, He is compassionate and freely extends grace.
So don’t be ashamed. He didn’t die for us to wear our guilt and shame. But He shed His blood so that we can come confidently before the throne of grace, receive mercy, and find grace to help us in our time of need.
He is our redeeming Savior.
Run to Him. Turn your heart towards Him and Him alone. Change your mindset. He is waiting for you.
All because you are WORTH IT.
We were adopted into a royal priesthood. Kings and Queens, take off the garments of shame! Rise and put on your crown!