Overcoming the Paralysis of Fear
So...I have noticed from talking to my sister friends and from statuses on my timeline that an old unwanted "friend" (enemy) has been hanging out a lot these days. And he is rearing his head as fear and anxiety.
Constant anxiety about bills. Insurmountable debt. Definitely more going out than coming in.
Constant fear of losing another loved one, or yet another family member becoming ill.
Constant anxiety from an overwhelming amount to tasks to accomplish in what seems like not enough time to accomplish them.
Strained and difficult relationships. Fear that someone will take more from you than what you have to give: Your peace, your joy, your sanity.
Fear of not being good enough. Or, that you will never measure up to someone else's expectations.
Fear of the unknown. What's going to happen as a result of my actions, reactions, or decisions?
All of these fears. All of this anxiety. It was all created to stop you.
To paralyze you .
To keep you in bondage and to stop you from moving forward.
To keep you from living and being effective.
To keep you from raising children of destiny.
To keep you from being a warrior.
Sometimes, he goes as far as to tell you that you would be better off dead.
The truth is, YOU are a mighty weapon. And satan wants to do everything in his power to stop YOU from stopping HIM in his tracks.
That's right, you have a very real enemy. And his job is to make everything look so big, so impossible, so insurmountable, so unachievable that you feel like it is useless for you to even try.
So you become paralyzed.
We see this as the Israelites were about to cross over into the Promised Land.
In the bible, while Moses and the Israelites were in the wilderness, God spoke to Moses and told him to send a group of men to explore the land that He had promised them. The land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey.
So, leaders from each tribe went to explore the land for 40 days. At the end of that period, they gave a report.
"The people are too powerful! The cities are fortified and large! There are even giants in the land! We can't attack those people: they are stronger than we are! We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them!" (Numbers 13th and 14th chapters).
This is exactly how our fear and anxiety speaks to us. "It's too big! I can't do that! It's too hard! What if it doesn't work? I couldn't possibly get that done! The report from the doctor was not good, I won't be able to bounce back from this!"
The more we think on it, the more we focus on it, the more we believe it instead of the promises of God, the bigger it gets. And the bigger it gets, the more it keeps eating away at our peace, our joy, and our sanity. It makes the issues look like giants and us feel like grasshoppers. And the bigger it gets, the more we forget about God's promises and provision. And we become paralyzed.
We won't move because we believe our fears more than we believe God. We shrink back. We become prisoners in our own mind. We become hostages to our own thoughts. At that point, the enemy has done a might fine job of keeping us from being all that God has created us to be.
The Israelites grumbled and complained. They would rather stay in the wilderness or go back to slavery than walk into the abundance that was promised to them by God. They did not want to move forward. All because of fear.
But there is an anecdote. It may not happen overnight. It will take some effort. But, just like in every other situation, if you consistently apply it, it will work.
That anecdote is rehearsing the Word of God, and praying with confidence that He hears your prayers. It is our greatest weapon against the enemy, who works so hard to make your fears and anxieties look so much bigger than your God.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.””
I am going to share with you some key points that may help in overcoming the paralysis of fear and anxiety.
- Please realize that EVERYTHING BEGINS IN YOUR MIND. This is such an important concept to grasp. If the enemy can speak to your thoughts words that are opposite of what God says and get you to not only meditate, regurgitate, ruminate, and rehearse these lies, but also to believe them, then he has a leg up in the battle. Instead, meditate, regurgitate, ruminate, and rehearse the Word of God. My pastor always says that the devil with tell you a lie about the truth. So, whatever comes into your mind that is negative, that is condemning, that is demeaning to yourselves or others, quickly combat that thought with a thought that is opposite. Be intentional about your thoughts and what you allow yourself to dwell upon.
- Pray with confidence, knowing that He hears you, and that you can cast your cares on Him. When praying, it is so important to believe that He hears us and will answer our prayers, according to His will. We have to believe that His word is true, and that He is a promise keeper. He is not like one of our friends or family members. He WANTS us to cast our cares upon Him. He WANTS you to tell Him about all of your worries and troubles. He doesn't get tired of us calling on him, sis. (1 Peter 5:7). It is amazing how much peace you experience just by doing this. The situation may not change immediately. It may not change at all. But, oh the peace that you experience and the grace that He gives you to go through it is PRICELESS! And you will find in the end, that YOU will be changed. And through this, you will find the strength to make it, and the courage to take another step.
- Know that you are in a battle, and know WHO your REAL enemy is. It is not your spouse or ex-spouse. It is not your boss or co-worker. It is not your child. It is not that mom. It's not your sister or brother. It is not your bank account. Your REAL enemy is satan. And he is out to steal your peace, your joy, and your sanity. He is out to keep you paralyzed, so that you will not move forward. So that you won't take that job. So that you will stay in that toxic relationship or friendship. So that you won't take on that project. So that you won't do what God has called you to do. Don't let him take anything from you sis! And if he has already stolen it from you, then take it back! The best weapons that you have are prayer and the Word of God. At the end of the post, you will find Scriptures to meditate on and to help combat your enemy against fear and anxiety.
You've got this! Be strong and courageous! Walk in your God given authority! It may look too big. It may seem too hard. It may look like it will never work. But one thing is for sure, it won't work unless you do.
You have to take step. At least one. And then take another. One step at a time. And each step will get easier and easier.
Fight for you! Fight for your peace! Fight for your joy!
There is so much in you. Fear and anxiety have dimmed your light for too long. It's time to take action. Rise my sister! Awaken the Warrior! You've got this! Take the job! Open the business! Start that ministry! Mend those relationships! Be that awesome wife and mom! Whatever it is that He has put in your hands to do, do it!
He has given us all the tools and weapons that we need. It is up to us to use them. You are an overcomer! Nothing can stop you, not even fear and anxiety...unless you allow it.
Love you all with the love of Christ.