Posts tagged time with Jesus
Unplug to Recharge

Sometimes the cares of this world make you forget how very real and how ever present God is.

Sometimes we just don’t feel him and we forget that he is right there, walking with us every step of the way.

We forget that he sees your struggles, he feels your pains, he knows what you are concerned about. Not only does He know, but He cares.

And because we forget these things, we sometimes lose hope.

I was reminded this morning that there is no such thing as a hopeless situation in Jesus.

Because He lives, we can face whatever life may throw at us.

We can rest with no fear, because He holds our future.

This morning, as I took my walk, listened to the birds chirp and the ducks quack, my Lord certainly showed me that He is and always will be my Shepherd.

He made me lie down in green pastures.

He lead me beside still waters and restored my soul.

He reminded me that I do not have to fear, be anxious, or worry, because He is always with me.

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True Identity: Remember Who You Are

The world will try to dictate who we should be, what our ideas should be, and what our beliefs should be. But, by reading His word, we are reminded of who we truly are. And, once we grasp that, when we look in the mirror we will see a reflection of our Heavenly Father. We will see the Christ in us.

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Press In

It had been so long. Time and time again, she sought help, just to leave feeling empty and discouraged.

Doctor after doctor she saw, but no one could help her.

For 12 long years, she had been subject to the same bleeding. The same situation. The same obstacle. No relief.

Every day she looked at her situation, and said “God, when? When will I see a change?”

She had done all that she knew how to do.

One day, she heard that Jesus was in town.

Although she was hurt, discouraged, disappointed, and exhausted, she knew that if she just pressed in and touched Him, even the hem of His garment, she would be made whole.

Jesus was surrounded by soooo many people, but when she touched Him, He knew it. There was something different about her press.

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Stay Focused

No matter what you are going through, 

No matter how the winds and waves are raging, 

No matter how impossible it may seem, 

No matter how scary it gets,

No matter how ugly it gets, 

Keep your eyes on Him.  Keep walking toward him.  Keep letting Him lead you.   And you won't sink.

Stay focused.

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Jesus, Coffee, and a Candle

Hey hey hey!!  How are you today?  Are you happy, or are you a "grumpy grumpfish" today?  Lol!

If you are a grumpy grumpfish today, it could possibly be because of how you started your morning.

Part of being refreshed is being intentional about how you start your day.  Starting off on the right foot has to be a conscious decision. 

Developing a morning routine is so important.  It takes a tiny bit of effort, but it is so worth it!  Your family, coworkers, and friends will appreciate it!

Spending time in the presence of the Lord in the morning provides me with the strength and patience that I need to accomplish the day's tasks, helps me to keep my focus on Him, and gives me direction, clarity, and grace to take on the day.

There is nothing like starting off the day with coffee, Jesus, and a candle.

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