New Identity

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For years, she was very popular around town, but not for good reasons. She had quite the reputation. History says that it is quite probable that the woman caught in adultery was one of the town prostitutes.

Girl…can you imagine? Being whispered about every time you went into town? Having almost everyone in town turn up their noses at you because they knew what you were into?

She owned that identity. She believed that was all that she could be.

The day came when she was caught in the very act. They brought her in while Jesus was teaching, with her clothes torn, and in humiliation and despair. She was thrown into the synagogue by a group of Pharisees and religious scholars.

It was known that the law of Moses stated that this woman should be stoned. These were religious scholars. They knew the law well.

But, they wanted to know what Jesus had to say about it, to possibly find a way to press charges against him.

To their surprise, Jesus stooped to the ground and ignored them. After they kept badgering him, he finally said, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.”

One by one, every one of her accusers walked away with their head hung in shame, until, it was only the woman standing there. Jesus asked her, “Where are your accusers? Has anyone condemned you?” She answered, “No.” Jesus said, “ Then neither do I.”

Jesus said, “Go, and sin no more.”

At that point, something very profound happened.

Her life was changed.

Her identity was changed.

Through the eyes of God, because of Jesus, she was no longer seen as the the adulterous woman. Because of Jesus, she became the righteousness of God.

Because of the grace and mercy of God, she was not only forgiven, but she was compelled to leave her life of sin.

She knew she was guilty as charged. She knew she willingly lead this lifestyle for years. But she knew that Jesus was there to save her from herself.

She realized that even though Jesus knew that she was guilty as charged, His love and compassion covered her. His grace liberated her, and his righteousness called her out of the darkness…out of her sinful lifestyle.. into the light of life (John 8:12).

I’m sure we all can see glimpses of ourselves in this woman.

We all have lended ourselves to things that we were ashamed of.

We sometimes did things that we thought we needed to do to survive, although we knew those things weren’t right.

Maybe we have made such huge mistakes in our personal lives, in our careers, or in our families that we feel like we will never bounce back from.

Take heart my sister.

He is calling us out of that lifestyle. Whatever it is. He is telling us to go and sin no more. He is calling us to repentance.

And once we have repented, he is calling us into true relationship with him.

He is the one who provides for us. He is the one who sustains us. He is the one who gives us our true identity.

Walk into your true identity.

Answer to what HE calls you.

He calls you the righteousness of God.

He calls you royalty.

He calls you redeemed.

He calls you loved.

He calls you healed and whole.

He calls you courageous.

He calls you delivered.

He calls you set free from the chains and yokes of bondage of sin, and condemnation from past mistakes.

You are not your past. You are not your past mistakes. Even if you mistakes were yesterday.

Walk into your freedom. Don’t look back! Let’s not be entangled again by things that we have been forgiven from. “Go and sin no more” is what he said!

Walk into your new identity…your changed name. Make a commitment to yourself to see yourself the way God sees you through Jesus Christ.

Then, walk accordingly.