Posts tagged how to be an authentic christian
5 Things to Ask Yourself When You Are About to Blow Your Top

So…if you have been following the blog for a while, you know every now and then I have to come with the “super real” topics.

We have all had those days when we are about to GO OFF.

You know, like when that man blows the horn at you, cuts you off in traffic, and uses hand gestures that aren’t too kind.

Or, like when that lady in the store cuts in front of you.

I’m sure teachers and administrators often have these days when it comes to dealing with difficult parents.

How about when your kids act like they were raised in a barn but anything other than a human, and you KNOW that they know better?

And, if you have a customer service related job, you know all too well when someone uses “colorful language”, threatens you in some way, or is just plain old rude for no reason, sometimes you want to BLOW YOUR TOP.

But, after you respond and have that “unbecoming interaction,” it sometimes leaves you feeling guilty for possibly hurting someone’s feelings, and ashamed of your actions.

Although we know we will be forgiven if we repent, as a Christian, it can damage your witness. Unbelievers will look at you, without a doubt, and say, “I thought she was a Christian! Is that that how a Christian is supposed to act?”

To help us avoid these feelings and consequences, I came up with a list of Things To Ask Yourself When You Are About to Blow Your Top.

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True Identity: Remember Who You Are

The world will try to dictate who we should be, what our ideas should be, and what our beliefs should be. But, by reading His word, we are reminded of who we truly are. And, once we grasp that, when we look in the mirror we will see a reflection of our Heavenly Father. We will see the Christ in us.

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New Identity

Jesus said, “Go, and sin no more.”

At that point, something very profound happened.

Her life was changed.

Her identity was changed.

Through the eyes of God, because of Jesus, she was no longer seen as the the adulterous woman. Because of Jesus, she became the righteousness of God.

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The Masks We Wear: A Journey to Authenticity

When I was I little girl, my favorite holiday was Christmas, of course.   But my next favorite holiday was Halloween.

The candy and other treats were awesome, going trick-or-treating with my siblings and friends was fun, but there was something else about Halloween that intrigued me.  It was the masks that we we wore.

The first Halloween costume that I remember was a nurse's uniform.  I wanted to be a nurse like my Aunt Rose, so my parents brought me this costume.  I remember it vividly.  It was a white smock with this heavy, thick mask. 

Boy, was that mask uncomfortable!  It was hot, it made me sweat, and the elastic that kept it in place was tight.  Yet, I LOVED wearing it.

Even at a young age, I realized that if I wore this mask, I could pretend to be anything that I desired to be.

Life went on, situations happened, tragedies occurred.  One thing remained constant...I continued to love to wear masks.

But these masks were different.

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