Posts tagged Faith in Jesus
The Only One Who Can Satisfy the Human Heart is the One Who Made It

Hello Hello!! I pray you all have been doing well and have been staying safe during this pandemic.

Crazy ride, huh? It almost seems like anything that could happen in 2020, did happen! In times of such uncertainty, the only thing that we can be sure of is God’s sovereignty. He still reigns and rules, and holds everything in His hands.

In the midst of waiting for this uncertain time to pass, I have noticed that many (including myself), have become antsy, discouraged, and dissatisfied.

Many are waiting for life to “return to normal.” Many are waiting for the next best thing…a new job, a spouse or new relationship, a new home, or for their business to go in an upward direction. Many feel like all will be well once our hair is a certain way, our wardrobe gets to a certain point, or we lose a certain amount of weight.

In a nutshell, there is a serious longing and yearning in the hearts and minds of many that we believe can be satisfied with certain conditions or material possessions. But this is not unique to this season of life. We all have found ourselves in this place at one point or another in our lives.

Sometimes we think that all will be well once we get married, have a child, get a new job, or do what God has called us to do. It’s like we are always thinking that we will be at peace once we achieve this certain goal.

The truth is, there is a place in our hearts that will always have a deep longing and yearning for something more…something greater. And no matter what we do or what we accomplish, the only thing that can satisfy that longing and yearning in our hearts is the one who created it.

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True Identity: Remember Who You Are

The world will try to dictate who we should be, what our ideas should be, and what our beliefs should be. But, by reading His word, we are reminded of who we truly are. And, once we grasp that, when we look in the mirror we will see a reflection of our Heavenly Father. We will see the Christ in us.

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No Greater Love

As Good Friday and Easter approach, I often reflect upon the meaning of the holidays.  Every time I ponder the true meaning of the cross, I am in total awe, and often speechless.

How could someone love me so much that He would leave a Holy place, enter a sinful world, and willingly take my place on the cross?

No greater love exists!

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Press In

It had been so long. Time and time again, she sought help, just to leave feeling empty and discouraged.

Doctor after doctor she saw, but no one could help her.

For 12 long years, she had been subject to the same bleeding. The same situation. The same obstacle. No relief.

Every day she looked at her situation, and said “God, when? When will I see a change?”

She had done all that she knew how to do.

One day, she heard that Jesus was in town.

Although she was hurt, discouraged, disappointed, and exhausted, she knew that if she just pressed in and touched Him, even the hem of His garment, she would be made whole.

Jesus was surrounded by soooo many people, but when she touched Him, He knew it. There was something different about her press.

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